Greetings Jackson Families,
We are writing this evening to provide an update about our building and to give some important information for school tomorrow.
Due to the extreme weather, a water main broke near Jackson Elementary and was reported to us at 8:30 AM this morning. Elmhurst Police and Fire Department responded immediately and alerted our D205 Facilities team. Although the teams worked throughout the day and into the evening, they were unable to identify all the areas where the leak occurred. District and school leadership were notified at 7:30 PM that Jackson would be impacted the following day. As a result, Jackson will not have water tomorrow and will be unable to hold in-person learning.
Jackson Elementary will have an e-learning day tomorrow. We understand that this is a shift and greatly appreciate your support in this unexpected situation. In order to allow for device pick-up and preparation, we will run the e-learning schedule an hour later, 9:15AM - 2:15PM. Please see below for important details to support with a smooth day.
Devices: Students will need access to a device throughout the day.
Personal devices may be used if available. In order to use a personal device, families should download the SeeSaw app and log-in using their student’s Elmhurst D205 email address and password. If you/your student do not know your email and/or password, please contact and a team member will be able to support.
D205 student devices will be available for pick-up tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18th from 7:15 AM - 9:00 AM at the Main Entrance. When you arrive, a team member will request your student’s name and classroom teacher to go get your student’s device. Students should plan to bring back devices on Wednesday, February 19th.
Schedule: In order to allow for time for families to pick-up devices, we will run the e-learning schedule an hour delayed, with the school day beginning at 9:15AM and concluding at 2:15PM.
We will continue to keep families updated as we learn more. Thank you for your flexibility and partnership as we ensure students are able to learn tomorrow. As always, please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions.
In partnership,
Dr. Krista Rajanen
Dr. Keisha Campbell, Superintendent